Anush Khachatryan

Education:  MA in Human Rights and Democratization Yerevan State University; MA/ Linguist-translator,  Yerevan State Linguistic University after V. Brusov

Position: Policy Advocacy Program Officer, ''OxYGen'' Foundation For Protection of Youth And Women's Rights, Yerevan (Armenia)

Research Interests: Gender and nationalism, gender and conflict, women's participation in peace-building, gendered life patterns. 

Languages: Armenian, English, Russian, French.

City: Yerevan, Armenia.

Email:  anushxachatryan(at)


Anush Khachatryan is a feminist, women human rights defender working in the sphere of women’s rights and gender equality in Armenia.  She has directed and implemented number of projects focused on Gender Equality and Gender Education, Women’s Empowerment and Leadership, Peace Building, Gender Based Violence and more specifically Domestic Violence in Armenia. Anush Khachatryan is currently involved in “OxYGen” Foundation for Protection of Youth and Women’s Rights as a Policy Advocacy Program Officer fully engaged in policy development. Also, she is a member of Armenian Feminist Platform, International Women in Black Movement, Young Women’s Network in South Caucasus.


MA work - “The Feminist Perspective of Gender Mainstreaming in the Un Security Policy: Implementation of UNSCR 1325 in Armenia”.